Monday, 11 January 2016

Azaad and Company is a top law firm in Delhi

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Azaad and Company is a top law firm in Delhi

Why Azaad And Co.? We view that Indian law is sometimes very complex, yet there are simple solutions which we help to arrive at which others fail to recognize this part of practice. There are many legal issues which can be easily solved through negotiations and mediations, yet many of our counterparts fail to recognize this or they intentionally avoid and are in the habit of prolonging the issues making the matters even more complex, thus extracting more from their clients. Our work is divided into different classes of advocates and experts for the varied kind of works which we receive, and for its smooth and hassle-free execution. Needless to say for the extensive experience, we are based in NCR/New Delhi, India where we act both as a Counsel and Counselor. Cost-efficiency and customer-satisfaction is an important factor which we keep in mind for the services we offer. Being a mid-sized firm, we handle the various matters, keeping the cost very low. We don't want to be brand-sized firm kept in big-showrooms coupled with high fees and milking the customers. One of the major concern which we look after is a hassle-free litigation where the clients have to run from pillar to post for justice. Many a times, litigants have to face a number of hassles unnecessarily even before filing of the suit. They are keen to have been making a number of enquiries from various people getting different views and thus getting confused. We, at our platform seek to remedy all the concern of our clients. There have also been instances where clients having been harassed due to the non-delivery of product/work even after paying huge amount. Apart from these, we are also providing knowledge updates to keep the people aware of their rights and to know better the law of the land for 'IGNORANTIA JURIS NON-EXCUSAT' meaning thereby ignorance of the law is no excuse. It also helps in the optimum utilization of the law which further helps in their businesses and their well bing. A Multi-Disciplinary law firm Civil/Criminal/Corporate Matters Contact us:  Chamber : 120A, Western Wing, Tis Hazari Courts, Delhi-110054  Office : F-2, First Floor, Anupam Plaza, Opposite Azad Apartments, Kalu Sarai, Hauz Khas, New Delhi- 110016  Mobile : +91-9891511114  Email : Website :


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